DiveIn: A Podcast about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Special Education Research

episode artwork

Federico R. Waitoller

25 July 2023

46m 5s

Ep. 3: Positioning ourselves beyond listing identity markers: An interview with Mildred Boveda and Subini Annamma



In this episode, we discuss a topic much ignored in special education research: positionality. Who we are in relation to others, where we come from, how we see the world and the communities we work with, and the theories we subscribe to shape the ways we engage with research. Special education researchers are not the exception to this. To delve into this important topic, we talked to Mildred Boveda and Subini Annamma who recently published an article on the topic. Listen to our episode to learn how positionality and positioning shapes the way we generate questions, design studies, and interpret and communicate findings, and its implications for equity and justice in special education research. EPISODE TRANSCRIPT